Showing posts with label comedy erotica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comedy erotica. Show all posts

Sunday, 24 November 2013

The Cuckold Game.

 2019 Update
Playing the Cuckold game has so many emotions that participants should never be surprised by its rules, which clearly state-They are confusing.

The Cuckold Game.
Arthur’s erection had finally returned and was making regular visits to the wet-spot of his beloved wife Mildred. Raunchy sex had not been part of his life for more than a decade and he was making up for lost time. A loving couple, he and Mildred lost both their virginity and sexual appetite together. Once a relationship that hosted fireworks,  it had lost its sparkle and fizzled out to a phwwt. It became convenient to simply neglect sex. 
Unable to rendezvous, erection and wet-spot lost contact and became strangers. To become redundant while still having so much to offer was frustrating for both intimate areas. Months became years and it seemed neither would ever see active service again. But quite by chance, a certain eyeful let Arthur know that erection remained fit and ready to resume maneuvers.


                                Big Ben.          He will go to any length to please you.                                There is always tha...